Thursday, September 22, 2011

Foster & Kemper + Bestor

After reading the articles by Foster & Kemper and Bestor, I got a true sense of what urban anthropology is all about.  The first reading was mostly about the history of anthropology and how it is relatively new to the world. The second was about anthropological fieldwork in japan. The passage written by Foster & Kemper basically shows the history of anthro and how it hasn’t changed much and the same tools are still used in recording research. The passage written by Bestor showed how living with the people that you are studying is ideal and trying to blend in with their environment.

                The “F&K” article focused primarily on anthropological research in cities. They considered anthropology to be very difficult since it involved full commitment. There are many different languages you would have to learn. They way to get the best research is to live with the subjects of interest. Building a relationship is very important. When you become close to the people you are studying you learn a great deal more. Spending long periods of time at the site was also ideal to get true insight on the society. Anthropology back in the days of its creation was especially difficult because travelling was harder and there was much less technology. Although many things have changed the greatest anthropological tools remain “the pencil and stenographers notebook.”

                The Bestor article followed the original idea that fieldwork would provide the best results. Fieldwork provides you with valuable insight that you wouldn’t notice otherwise or by watching from afar. Tokyo was an extremely populated city but was described as “not overwhelming as it seems”. There were many businesses there such as wholesale markets. Bestor claims that anthologists are not just observers they are “in” what they do they become part of it. Bestor had visited Japan before but his wife had not. He knew some of the locals including a real estate agent. He moved into the community and became part of their normal neighborhood activities. He interviewed several locals and in doing this he realized that interviewing isn’t always successful since some people don’t realize what information is valuable and they often leave it out.

                After reading these articles I realize that you cannot get a good sense of what a neighborhood or city is like until you move in and become part of it. Just observing from far can only provide you with limited information. Many times I have watched people at the park and outside my window and try to imagine what their life is like. The truth is you cannot know what their life is like just by watching. You can get a limited insight but not enough to truly know what is going on.  Ive tried to put myself in peoples shoes when they are in a difficult situations to see how I can help them  and now I know how to see life through their eyes.

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